Frequently asked questions

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General Information

Q. What is Hop to Work?
Hop to Work is an initiative which facilitates private carpooling among employees within an organization. It aims to promote sustainable commuting, reduce traffic congestion, and foster a sense of community within the workplace.
Q. How it works?
Once an organization registers with Hop to Work, they gain access to our carpooling platform. Employees within the registered organization can create carpool groups, search for colleagues with similar routes, and coordinate rides to and from work. The program ensures a safe and secure carpooling experience within the company's private network.
Q. What are the benefits of joining Hop to Work?
By joining the Hop to Work corporate carpool program, organizations can experience a multitude of benefits, including:
  • Reduced parking space requirements, leading to cost savings on parking infrastructure.
  • Lower transportation expenses for employees who share rides and split fuel costs.
  • Enhanced environmental reputation as a sustainable and green-minded company.
Q. How organizations can register for Hop to Work Corporate Carpool Program?
Registering your organization with Hop to Work is simple! Visit our website and navigate to the Contact Us page. Fill in the necessary details, and our team will guide you through the setup process to launch the carpool program for your company.
Q. Does Hop to Work support different types of vehicles?
Yes, our program is inclusive and supports various types of vehicles, including cars, vans, and even bikes. This flexibility encourages participation from a diverse range of employees with different commuting preferences.
Q. Is Hop to Work secure and private?
Yes, Hop to Work is designed to maintain a high level of security and privacy. The platform is exclusive to the registered organization's employees, ensuring that only verified employees can participate in the carpool network.
Q. Can employees choose their carpool partners?
Yes, employees have the flexibility to select their carpool partners based on compatibility and convenience. The platform allows users to search for colleagues with similar routes and preferences.
Q. Is Hop to Work limited to specific types of organizations or industries?
No, Hop to Work is open to all types of organizations across various industries. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, you can join and benefit from the program.

Privacy & Security

Q. What information does Hop to Work collect from an organization and its employees during the registration process?
During the registration process, we collect basic information about the organization, such as its name and contact details. For employees, we collect their names, contact information, and commuting preferences solely for the purpose of facilitating carpool matching.
Q. How is employee data used within the Corporate Carpool Program?
Employee data is used exclusively for the purpose of matching potential carpool partners within the same organization. The data is not shared with any external parties or used for marketing purposes.
Q. How are carpool matches made, and who has access to this information?
Carpool matches are made using a proprietary algorithm that considers employees' commuting preferences, locations, and schedules. The matching process is automated, and only employees who are registered on this platform will have access to view the matched profiles.
Q. Does Hop to Work share data with other companies or advertisers?
We provide a private network of carpools exclusively for employees within an organization. We do not share data with other companies or advertisers.
Q. Is the personal information of our employees safe when using the Hop to Work Corporate Carpool Program?
Yes, we take privacy and security seriously. All personal information provided by employees is stored securely and only accessible to authorized personnel involved in managing the carpool program.
Q. Is the carpool network within our organization visible to the public?
No, Hop to Work is entirely private and accessible only to registered employees of your organization. It is not visible to the public or any individuals outside your organization.
Q. Can we opt-out of the Corporate Carpool Program at any time?
Yes, employees can choose to opt-out of the program at any time. Upon doing so, all associated carpool data will be securely deleted from our system.